I'm Liz Smith, Founder & Director of Amelia Bond Recruitment.
I started the business from around my kitchen table over 20 years ago and since then our reputation has grown enormously and I'm proud to say we've placed candidates in hundreds of key positions around the UK.
I work with a small and wonderful team behind the scenes but when you hire us you'll be working one-to-one with me.
Not just now and then. Not just for the first couple of meetings. But all the time, every time you talk about what you need and who could fit the bill.
As the driving force behind Amelia Bond I take personal control of every assignment and am solely responsible for every client or candidate.
So when you call, and whenever you call, I'll be the person you’ll be talking to.
Passionate about delivering great service, I will show you how search and selection can not only be affordable, it can deliver great results quickly.
I’ll also help you to form a long-term view of where you want to reach, and use my talent-spotting capabilities to build your practice or your career.

We took the decision to relocate both our home and business to North Devon in 2020 and we've never looked back. When not placing candidates my husband and I can be found exploring the beautiful coastline for miles around in our much-loved VW Camper.

Tel: 07966 228730
Email: enquiries@ameliabond.co.uk